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About Us

Image by Mason B.

The Legacy

What started as a hobby in 1978 for Dave Epstein, became a full time business in 1984  serving the hardcore racing and performance oriented "Z CAR FREAK" . We manufacture most of the items on these pages and our products are sold world-wide. Many of these items are our original design, such as the brake kits, A-arms, cast aluminum oil pan, suspension kits, etc. 

The Present

Steven Booth purchased AZC January of 2021. He is a part time practicing dentist who has owned about twenty S30 chassis/cars. He met Dave in 1987 and has been a friend and customer ever since. Steven and his wife Cynthia, moved to Payson from Phoenix in 2002. They have 2 children, 2 dogs and 6 Datsun Z's. Steven is a DE-4 Level Driver in a 240Z and would love to find the time for a comp license and enjoy last place against some of the truly good drivers in VARA or SVRA!

The Future

S30 Cars are no longer 3K throwaways! As they are finally getting the respect they have always deserved, their values have skyrocketed! AZC will continue to produce racing specific parts but will make more effort in the "Resto-Mod" Direction. Not cutting a good chassis and making nicer riding performance street cars without permanent modification, will become a new high-priority direction. Remember why you loved the Datsun. Enhance it, but don't "cross the line" ... unless you track it, then - see above!


Copyright © 2023 ArizonaZCar - All Rights Reserved

Created by Arizona Vinyl 

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